Celebrating Our Thailand Team’s Achievements
Recognition for workplace safety, welfare, and good labor practice
Meiyume – For the People
September 2022 – As part of our sustainability strategy, Meiyume continues to implement it across 3 continents on the foundation of four pillars: Products, Process, Places, and People.
We believe that our collective effort to empower sustainable beauty solutions begins with the human element, mainly through extrinsic and intrinsic initiatives to boost employee morale. Through our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) endeavours, Meiyume organises activities to help those in need in the communities we serve. Internally, Meiyume has set in place systems to ensure an environment of safety, welfare and good practices for all our employees. In order to achieve this goal, our management seeks to cultivate a mindset of collective success and synergy among our employees that aligns with Meiyume’s ‘deep purpose’, and ultimately bring about a workplace of excellence.
Therefore, we are truly honoured that our Thailand team has been recognised with 3 award nominations last year, bringing home all three achievements – (i) Labour Relations and Welfare Award, (ii) Occupational Safety, Health and Environment, and (iii) Good Labor Practice.
Our team of 11 attended this joyous ceremony at Tinidee Hotel Bangkok, Golf Club Patumthani Province on the 24th of November 2021. The awards were presented to our Thailand team by Mr. Niyom Songkaewpresided, the director of the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, and Mr. Ekawit Meepian, Pathum Thani’s Provincial Deputy Governor.
The Excellent Establishment on Labour Relations and Welfare Award
Meiyume is proud to receive this award for the 14th consecutive year since 2008. The department of labour protection and welfare issues this award to honour the best practices utilized by companies in managing labour relations and ensuring a safe and pleasant working environment throughout their business operation.
Our passionate Human Resource team deserves the credit for fostering strong labour relations between our employees and through the numerous activities conducted to constantly engage the team.

2) The 2021 National Outstanding Award on Occupational Safety, Health and Environment
Our Thailand team achieved the ‘Diamond level’ National Outstanding Award on Occupational Safety, Health and Environment for the 8th consecutive year since 2014, and retaining the ‘Diamond level’ status since 2018.
This award is under the purview of Thailand’s Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Act, which encourages an environment that promotes mental, physical and emotional security at the workplace. This mechanism includes regular compliance in identifying potential hazards, continuously improving the working conditions, and conducting health check-ups for the employees.

3) Good Labor Practice (GLP)
As the first-time winner of the Good Labour Practice (GLP) award, our team is thrilled to be recognised for our ethical business management and operations from the department of labour protection and welfare. This award encompasses businesses’ social responsibilities that ensure no child labour, no human trafficking, no forced labour, proper employment contracts and record taking, a safe working environment, guaranteed remunerations, working hours, holidays and other benefits for our employees.
By complying with Thailand’s labour laws and international principles, Mr Ananchai Uthaiwattanachep, director general of the department of labour protection and welfare, revealed that he hopes the recipients of this award will encourage more businesses to develop good labour practices.

At Meiyume, we leverage our biggest resource: the people. Through the collective effort of everyone to ensure compliance in labour relations and workplace safety, Meiyume will continue to thrive and keep the flag flying high.