
“蓝色是最接近真实自我的颜色。” – 史蒂文·泰勒

Meiyume Blue Beauty Curation


2023年8月 – 

利妍最近推出了一项创新产品线名为“蓝”。该系列以蓝色美妆的概念为中心,它是纯净美妆领域中的一个独特类别。蓝色美妆不仅仅是一种护肤趋势;它代表了对海洋及其居民的深刻承诺。这种创新方法解决了美妆行业普遍存在的塑料废物问题以及地球水生生态系统之间复杂的相互作用。据Cosmopolitan统计,每年化妆品包装的产量超过1000亿个,数量惊人。这一惊人的数量凸显了该行业巨大的生态足迹。 蓝色美妆是一项旨在减少这种影响并保护海洋、淡水体和生物多样性完整性的国际努力。 

“蓝“ – 包容性和可持续性的庆典

利妍的“蓝 系列是为每个人(无论生活方式如何)设计的大胆举措,旨在增强包容性,同时珍惜地球。 “蓝”在其包装中集成了简单、可回收和可重复使用的材料,如 PP、PET、PE 和铝,以最大限度地减少浪费并促进可持续发展。正如我们之前在“蓝色美妆:可持续发展的新前沿”文章中提到的,到 2025 年,利妍的产品和零售解决方案将100%可回收、环保、可生物降解或可回收。 



Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Bio-based tube product in the Skin category. Size: 100ml Cap & Tube Base Materials: PP, PE Tube Layers Material Options: PE, bamboo, EVOH PE, brown kraft paper, EVOH, PE, brown kraft paper
Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Jar product in the Skin category. Size: 50ml,100ml Material: PP
Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Jar product in the Skin category. Size: 50ml, 70ml Material: Aluminum, Triseal
Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Airless Bottle product in the Skin category. Size: 15ml,30ml,50ml Material: PP, PE

规格: 100ml
管层材料选项: PE+竹子+EVOH 、 PE+棕色牛皮纸+EVOH或PE+棕色牛皮纸

规格: 50ml,100ml

材质: PP

尺寸: 50ml、70ml

材质:铝、 硅胶密封圈

规格: 15ml、30ml、50ml

材质: PP、PE

Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Brush & Spatula Tube product in the Skin category. Size: 100ml Material: PP, PE, PBT, Silicon
Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Refillable Ecoskin product in the Skin category. Size: 30ml Material: PET, Pump
Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Mist Tube product in the Skin category. Size: 50 ml Material: PP
Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Roll-on product in the Skin category. Size: 18ml Material: PP, stainless steel

规格: 100ml


规格: 30ml

材质: PET、泵

规格: 50 毫升

材质: PP

规格: 18ml

材质: PP、不锈钢


Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Jar product in the Body category. Size: 30ml, 70ml, 100ml, 150ml, 250ml ​ Material: Aluminium, PE
Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring tube Flip to Cap product in the Body category. Size: 30ml, 80ml, 220ml ​ Material: PP
Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Refillable Roll-On Deodorant product in the Body category. Size:50ml, 75ml ​ Material: PP

尺寸: 30ml、70ml、100ml、150ml、250ml

材质: 铝、聚乙烯

尺寸: 30ml、80ml、220ml​

材质: PP

尺寸: 50ml、75ml​

材质: PP


Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Compact,Pan product in the Color category. Size: D26.6mm, D36.5mm, D42.6mm​ Material: PET, stainless steel
Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Stick, Cup product in the Color category. Size:D8mm, D12.7mm​ Material: PP
Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Compact,Pan product in the Color category. Size: D26.5mm, D36.6mm, D42.5mm Material: PET, stainless steel
Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Stick, Cup product in the Color category. Size: 3ml,6ml,10ml D17.7,D17.8,D18mm Material: PP

尺寸: D26.6mm、D36.5mm、D42.6mm​

材质: PET、不锈钢

尺寸: D8mm、D12.7mm​

材质: PP

尺寸: D26.5mm、D36.6mm、D42.5mm

材质: PET、不锈钢

尺寸: 3ml、6ml、10ml D17.7、D17.8、D18mm

材质: PP


Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Tube Comb Applicator product in the hair category. Size:30ml, 50ml 100ml, 300ml​ Material: PP, PE
Meiyume's new sustainable packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Tube Comb Applicator product in the hair categorySize:100ml​ Material: PP, PE
Meiyume's new sustainable packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Bottle product in the hair category Size: 300ml​ Material: PP, PE
Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring airless product in the hair category .Size: 50ml, 100ml, 150ml Material: PP, PE, stainless steel
Meiyume's new innovative and sustainable blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring dropper in the hair category Size: 30ml​ Material: PP, PE

规格: 30ml、50ml 100ml、300ml​

材质: PP、 PE

规格: 100ml​

材质: PP、 PE

规格: 300ml​

材质: PP、PE

规格: 50ml、100ml、150ml

材质: PP、PE、不锈钢 

规格: 30ml​

材质: PP、 PE


Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Bag product in the accessories category.Size: 210x148x65 Material: RPET Nylon, RPVB, TPU coating
Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Massager product in the accessories category. Size: 63.92×31.1×5.87​ Material: Aluminium
Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Scrunchie product in the accessories category. Material: RPET velvet
Meiyume's new sustainable stock packaging blue beauty product line "Blue." - Featuring Comb product in the accessories category. Size: 245×54​ Material: FCS wood

尺寸: 210x148x65cm

材质: RPET 尼龙、RPVB、TPU涂层

尺寸: 63.92×31.1×5.87​cm

材质: 铝

材质: RPET天鹅绒

尺寸: 245×54​cm

材质: FCS木


PP、PET、PE 和铝这些材料通过提供可持续的包装解决方案来最大限度地减少浪费并促进可回收性,从而为蓝色美妆做出贡献。这些材料具有特定的性能,使其适合使用,同时也对环境友好。



海洋宝藏: ActiveSea Sea’llullan凝胶乳液

“蓝”系列中的杰出产品之一,ActiveSea Sea’llullan凝胶乳液,利用海洋活性物的力量来增强皮肤细胞能力并提供深层抗氧化防御。主要成分包括AcquaSeal Algae、ACB Wakame Bioferment Adv、ACB Sea Silt Bioferment G、 BiEau ® Actif Green Algae 和SpiraColl ®。这些成分共同作用,提供补水保湿、抗炎、细胞新陈代谢、抗氧化功效和促进胶原蛋白合成。

Meiyume Blue. Product line - Refillable Roll-On Deodorant. SPICE Assessment -By refilling 3 times you save more than 34% in reduction of CO2 Emissions, Reduction of fossil energy, and reduction of water consumption
Meiyume Blue. Product line - Refillable Roll-On Deodorant. SPICE Assessment -By refilling 3 times you save more than 32% in reduction of CO2 Emissions, Reduction of fossil energy, and reduction of water consumption


利妍加入了欧莱雅和Quantis共同创立的化妆品可持续包装倡议 (SPICE) ,以推动循环经济并建立对环境产生实际影响的实践。 SPICE 汇集了29个全球化妆品品牌和组织,开发和发布面向商业的方法和数据,以提高整个包装价值链的环境表现。通过使用可替换“蓝”系列三次,消费者可以在三项环保声明上节省超过32%:减少二氧化碳排放、减少化石能源和减少水消耗。



